
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Did You Know 4.0?

Did You Know that “what used to fit in a building now fits in your pocket, what fits in your pocket now will fit inside a blood cell in 25 years” says a futurist named Kurzweil.

Raymond Kurzweil is a technology innovator and although the 4.0 is a presentation designed to make people aware of the shifts that are occurring in today’s world in technology, it also illustrates all the implications for children in kindergarten up to 12th (K-12) grade and higher education. It’s all about educating the children and preparing them for the 21st century. (Good luck doing that!!)

Did you know 4.0 has been released in 2009 in response to “Shift Happens, Did You Know” developed by Karl Fisch, Scott McLeod and Jeff Brenman. The updated fall 2009 presentation was designed by Xplane who were in partnership with The Economist.

Although it raises concerns if the children are ready to face the 21st century and if they are receiving the proper education, I believe it is of main interest for the people involved in Public Relations. This is because it makes us aware of how the future in reaching to our audiences and maintaining relationships is all about. Some companies fail to take social media seriously and personally I think that is a major risk. Do you think it’s better to stick to the traditional way of thinking? One of the most important tactics of PR is a news release and getting journalists convinced to put your piece of work in a newspaper. But did you know that the print circulation is down by 7 million in the last 25 years? That in the last 5 years online newspapers has up to 30 million readers?

What about campaigns? How do you reach to your publics? Did you know that in 2008 John McCaid raised $11 million for his U.S presidential bid while Barack Obama leveraged the online social networks world and raised $55 million in just 29 days?

How do you make your publics aware of an event? Can you think of a better way than splashing it in people’s faces in the almighty online world? Just take a look at the short video below, check out all the facts it gives, I was amazed.

Social Media is the future, it is easier than ever to reach a large audience, but no one says it’s easy to connect with. This online world is important for every organisation, but I feel it’s even more important for PR people to up their game by leveraging this scary world we live in.

“this is convergence, and now...


  1. It is indeed true that the social media is boosting. And another proof is that already MSc programmes are dedicated entirely on New Media (eg. University of Amsterdam). Personally, I wish to believe that we won't sink in a sea of bits, but unfortunately I can already feel my feet wet.

  2. And a Univeristy in the USA allready has a course on Social Networks, focused on Facebook! I bet they are focusing on so much more now! Reality is, we are allready livin social media. It's all around us, so wem ight as well use it effectively in any way we can!


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