
Monday, November 23, 2009

Global Fund Grants in Afghanistan

As a matter of fact Afghanistan is in dire need of resources for the fight against TB, Malaria and HIV/AIDS. Afghanistan has certain peculiar characteristics in its public health system which is broadly aimed at reducing the disease burden including that of TB and Malaria.
There is a specific public health policy, called Basic Package of Health Services (BPHS), under which basic health issues of afghan community is addressed and currently covers more that eighty percent of the geographical areas of the country. Malaria and TB treatment and prevention is an integral part of the BPHS.
The Global Fund Grants, in conjunction with the BPHS, are bringing many positive results in TB control and malaria rollback. Neverhteless, Afghanistan being a post conflict country faces many challenges also in this way. In some parts of the counrtry the security conditions doesnot allow services to be delivered to people in a proper way.
In terms of management and capacity, the twenty five long years of wars have created many setbacks to the higher education system and institutions of the country. When it comes to Global Fund grants implementation, every effort is made by the ministry of Public health to enhance the capacity of the key departments so that the grants are implemented in a timely manner and in a result oriented manner.
One problem that, in my opinion, is common to all governments (as the PRs) is the problem of delays caused by beurocracies in the government institutions. I don't know how other countries where the PR is government, have overcome the challenges of beurocracies and unnecessary administrative hurdles.

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