
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Influence of Era of Paid News on PR

Last Sunday (8 November), Rupert Murdoch (pictured), the owner of News Corporation, said in an interview with Sky News Austrilia that he planned to erect pay wall around his websites and block Google from linking any news content from it. (See Murdoch may block Google searches)
Actually this is not the first time Mr. Murdoch expressed his paid-news idea. Speaking at the World Media Summit a month ago he proposed that all search engines and websites should pay for the online news content. (See Websites 'need to pay for news' )

There is no doubt that this news freak out quite a lot people. However as a PR student, I am more concerned about such question: what are the effects that poses upon PR practioner once related policy has been carried out?

We all know that none PR campaign can be implemented without the support of media. Unfortunately, one of current prime principles which most PR practioners use to select media is particular media's number of target audience. Let's suppose that, once the era of paid news content arrive could it be that it become more diffcult to select media because target audience would seek alternative media to replace original ones so that they will become more scattered and hard to reach with a relatively low cost? If so, this implies that PR practioners have to reconsider the criteria of media selection now.

Although the specific timetable of paid news is still unclear, it is safe to say that it would be a challenge for PR practioners.

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