
Sunday, November 15, 2009

PR illusion?Can be seen in more than one way...

I know that most of you are fed up with the multiple -sometimes slightly different- meanings of Public Relations. But, what if we think of PR as a double meaning image?

Having recently found out a Michael Turney's reading about the different ways public relations has been defined in the past, a "different" approach came to my mind. Public Relations, for me, is like a double meaning picture. I can either see it as being assembled from smaller objects or as a whole. It's up to me which point of view I will choose that will construct a different meaning for the image. In this case, for example, do you see a young girl or an old woman?

In the same way, the definitions one can give to PR has to do with their point of view. On the one hand, I can see it as a whole and support that it is an organizational communication management. On the other hand, I can segment it into parts and define it only as a communication technique with favourable benefits for the organization. The choice is yours...What do you "see"?

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