
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Flash mob as guerilla ads

Organised flash mobs as guerilla actions seem to be very popular in the UK. For example the dance action of T-mobile in Liverpool or the naked men with blue scarves.

This kind of advertisement fulfils several aims: entertaining of the public, attention on the action on the first step and talking and guessing of the advertiser itself on the second step. Therefore I think this kind of advertising is very effective as it is not as common as ads in the media. The consumer is confronted in his daily life with advertisements everywhere, so that he does not realize them consciously most of the time.

But in a moment where he does not expect something special and gets surprised by an advertisement presented on a flash mob, he will be attentive and open-minded. The result is that the consumer links with the product an extraordinary situation which may him engage the whole day. He talks about it to friends, colleges and family, thus the message gets spread to a wider audience.

For further information and entertainment

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