In the global community we live in today a company can be brought to its knees in a matter of days by something as simple as a videophone recording.
My 12 year old daughter has a videophone, access to a laptop and the skills required to edit and upload a video to It is safe to assume that if a 12 year old can publish up to date material online the rest of us shouldn’t have a problem doing it.
Now we have the technology and we just need the material; how about recording your co-worker at Domino´s while he spits in the food and wipes his bum with the same sponge he uses to clean the dishes?
That could be funny, right?
To bad it’s already been done.
The Domino´s-Youtube scandal was born in a small town in America but spread its wings and became a global sensation in the space of a few days.
Domino´s has over 6500 stores around the world and at first glance you couldn’t really tell where the food terrorist worked. Was this perhaps taking place in my local Dominos? That would be gross.
As a global giant Domino´s of course has a massive PR department that immediately announced the location of the store in question as well as the fact that the place had been closed and would be cleaned and sanitized before any more pizzas would be served. They also used Youtube to publish an apalogoy by the president of Domino´s.
Now at least the rest of the world could breathe semi-easy knowing where the booger-pizzas had been made. That didn’t however change the fact that it was due to lack of background checking and surveillance that these employees were able to go about their disgusting ways.
Despite all this Domino´s still serves pizza all over the world and people seem to enjoy them just as much now as they ever did.
That, I guess, is the power of public relations!
Iris Alma Vilbergsdottir
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