
Monday, November 23, 2009

More communication, less social contact?

Social networking gets more and more developed and runs more and more via internet; people are connected by facebook, bebo or myspace and they have hundreds of friends with which they have contact on a more or less regularly basis. But what does this contact look like? Long letters which have been written emotionally? Surely not! Because nobody takes the time for long letters! It is the online world, where long letters or messages won’t be written nor read. This means that only short messages or only status reports are posted, just indicating that the persons is busy and alive! Nothing of interest and mostly very superficial, everyone is bothered on its own.

But do we run the risk of forgetting to have real social contact to other persons or losing the ability to hold a real friendship, to build it up and let it stay alive for a longer time over years? What makes a relationship to a friendship to another person? Maybe the chemicals, but more the trustworthiness of the other person who opens himself for a bit, gives insights on his emotions and feelings and who expects a prompt and adequate reaction. But this won’t be done and can’t be expected if you are online, due to several reasons which can lead to social isolation:

On the one side, because nobody would post his personal problems (or he shouldn’t do so) and on the other side because nobody would take the time to communicate that intensively that the problem would be solved, especially because it would take a longer time. Thus, the “problem person” has to solve his problems alone. And it is a well known fact that it is unhealthy to solve problems alone! Besides that, it is important to get someone else view. The BBC published an article on this development, saying that it is unhealthy to have too much contact only by the internet.

In my opinion the networkers will forget the feeling how it is to have a real dialog in which every part has to be concentrated on the other person and showing honestly respond if an emotional problem has to be solved. I can imagine that even social behaviour will be forgotten as in the cyber world you can decide when you will answer if at all. You don’ have to answer as no one expects it. But where are those who really need you, your advice and your point of view? Who will realise it, if something really happens? There is no necessity to go out of the door, it is possible to buy everything online, even food and home office is quite usual. But is that social life? Is that the human development?


  1. Although we are in a web 2.0 world, people tend to communicate through social networking website, but we have to admit that this on-line world is all fiction. Therefore, I agree what Giddens said, the face-to-face interaction is primary. After all, no one is an island; computers may give us the means to build a bridge among others, we still have to go across it by ourselves.

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  3. It seems unavoidable that traditional social contact is weakening with the penetration of internet in our life.It is true that internet has done much efforts on our "communication", it saves our time,shortens the distance,removes the time boundary..Anyway,it helps us reach the goal of "unlimited-communication".

    But now we begin to realize its negative points. I also think the "social isolation" is serious enough to alert all of us.On-line games make teenagers "shut up" in front of their parents and keep them away from social parties.People begin to get friendship or love relationship through online-chatting room,in which many dangers are hiding.And, the number of online crimes is increasing year by year..

    I believe everyone knows the answers of the questions,online life is definitely not social life,but what we should do for changing our life now?Maybe it is the time for us to take advantage of "PR" tool to change people's attitude to internet..


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