
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Blogging about blogging

First of all, my Office Word 2003 doesn’t even recognize the word “blogging”. So, why did this way of communication manage to become so used in the context of such a short history?

There are many answers. It is a way of expressing yourself freely. It is a way of connecting with people that have the same interests as you.

For example, for PR professionals, blogging has become a part of their job for many reasons. They exercise their writing, they do personal branding, they share opinions regarding the latest updates in practice, comment upon others’ opinions, and with this debate they improve their practice. In other words, they add value to each others’ work.

But many people started blogging just because it is ‘fashionable’, like having a facebook or hi5 profile. In my opinion, the thing they don’t know is that having a blog does not mean socializing primarily, it’s sharing valuable opinions and ideas. Socializing is just a secondary effect of blogging.

A negative aspect of blogging, if we look at the definition, even for ‘professional’ bloggers is updating, writing regularly. It can happen not to have all the time ideas to write about, but the pressure of updating the blog may have as a result a post with low level of quality comparing with the others, so the overall image of the blog might be altered.

In conclusion, if you have something to say and you consider it useful to share, even for you, as you get feedback on what you write and you might find other interesting points of view on the specific subject, start blogging. But don’t cross the limit and blogg just because it’s fancy or it’s been a month since you didn’t write.

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