
Sunday, November 15, 2009

PR practitioners and journalists – a passionate relationship

The relationship between journalists and PR practitioners it’s like a bad marriage...“I hate you, but I need you”.

Journalists think about PR practitioners that are spin doctors and many of them still are reserved in admitting that they are partly relying on PR professionals’ work. But if we look, especially nowadays, at the media, we realize that journalists aren’t able to cope with all the deadlines. The number of newspapers, magazines, specialized publications, internet publications has boosted comparing to the number of journalists. So, more articles to write for less people.

This means that it is indeed a need for PR professionals’ work. And in order to improve the relationship with the journalists, PR practitioners should have in mind some tips, like studying their needs, reading their work, or offering exclusivity for some of them.

But to make this relationship work, it might be useful to approach it from the journalist point of view and see how he/she can improve their position in this duet. The most important thing is that the PR practitioner is just an intermediate between the client and the media. Thus, for example, when a journalist wants an important information, the PR sometimes cannot give the answer until the client accepts the disclosure. So, it might be useful to give some time for receiving the confirmation. And the list can continue.

Unfortunately, not all journalists and PR practitioners are equal. If we approach the relationship from the critical point of view, we realize that the power is an important factor in shaping a relationship. Usually, the one with less power will try to improve their way of dragging the attention of the more powerful.

Overall, PR practitioners and journalists need each other and it can be said that they are soulmates. So, stop complaining and deal with it.

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