
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Public relation of celebrity

Tang Jun is one of celebrities that I quite like. He was promoting to the manager of Microsoft’s global technology center. In March 2003, he served as president of Microsoft in china. Now, he is the president with CEO of Hua Du group.

One of his experiences was definite brought forth his talent and persuasive skill. During he was the president of Microsoft in china. Once he was informed that Bill Gates will came to China for a inspection three days before the inspect date. Unfortunately, that day is Chinese Spring Festival, which is most important holiday in China; just like Christmas, Chinese will have holiday those period, so it is quite difficult to arrange an inspection. We all know that Bill Gate has an extremely bad temper, so when Tang Jun talked about the idea of delay inspection, Bill Gates was very angry.

“What! You want me to change schedule, do you know my schedule always been arranged one year ago!”

“But did you know that the Spring Festival was arranged five thousand years ago” (China have five thousand history) said Tang Jun.

At the last, Bill Gates had to change his schedule!

From his blog and books, I know he is a very observe person, but when it is the interview time, he became extremely activities, even someone though he is much more show feeling. How this can be? I would like to bring the theme back to his outstanding persuasion and personal public relations.

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