
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Work Experience: Should it be paid?

While browsing the PR week website I came across a debate on the forum page surrounding work experience at PR agencies. It was very interesting to read various sides of the argument as to whether such placements should be paid or unpaid.

One can understand why students feel work experience should be paid . However in the current economic climate many companies are not willing to pay work experience candidates. The issue seems to be a double-edged sword as some graduates cannot afford to work for free.

There is no question that work experience is a great way to 'get your foot in the door' but are companies taking advantage by not paying? It is often the case that people on work experience placements contribute enough to merit being rewarded and companies that do not pay are seen as unethical.

Directors, consultants and students have all commented in the forum and all make valuable contributions to the debate. What are your opinions on the issue? should it be a requirement for all work experience to be paid? Or will students always be willing to work for free in order to enhance their CVs and make them stand out from the crowd when it comes to applying for jobs?


  1. I think that is unrealistic to expect that companies would be willing to pay for work experience though I believe that there should be some sort of contribution towards expenses at the very minimum. This brings up questions of social mobility and the fact that graduates come out of university up to their necks in debt but are yet expected to work for free before they can get a job.

  2. I also agree to an extent that work experience should be paid but feel that it would classed more of a job that way. I think most people have had to 'pay their dues' and it's something that will always be the way. I think the experience you will get will allow you to get a job which will inevitably pay well from the experience you have gained.

  3. I think that work experience should be paid because the most of the times, the person who starts in the company for doing his work experience, do the same things that the rest of the workers, with the same timetable, with almost the same responsabilities. The company earns money with this kind of people because the company doesn´t pay anything to this person but it earns money with his job.

  4. I think it unethical that work experience work without paying. As far as the staffs create benefit, the company has to pay for staff. So I cannot accept the comment that “two agencies even stated those four months without pay would be acceptable”. These companies have to tell a reason for us to accept this unethical issue. The work experience staffs are not servant of company.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Only expenses should be paid if the person in work experience is simply shadowing. Any duties above and beyond should be paid at minimum wage at the very very least

  7. I think it depends. If the employer is famous or popular,people tend to sacrifice their payment in order to decorate their CV.Other wise,people should be paid for their time and energy comsuming. After all, no one likes to be regarded as cheap labour.

  8. I think that it’s a personal choice of every person if he or she wants to work for free. The person can always refuse from such kind of work and find something where he/she will be paid. So, if you are really interested in this or that work then, I think, you can work just for getting knowledge and experience as these two things are the most important ones which will help you to get a well-paid job in future.

  9. I agree, after all, a good work experiance must be worth something, and it might even be something that money can't buy. But still, I think there should be a time limit on unpaid jobs.


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